Consulting experience for all your tax needs
The people at culminIT have been involved in tax projects and consulting at major financial institutions since 2001.
- The process must consider that taxation has its own concepts and complexities;
- Tax expert involvement is required throughout the process;
- The process must be flexible in order to deal with exceptions;
- The necessary controls must be in place to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the results;
- Manual intervention must be kept to a minimum; and
- A full audit trail must be kept.
Our services around the taxation of financial instruments therefore extend further than our software solutions. It also includes the following consulting services:
- the audit of the calculations produced by tax solutions;
- the preparation of data and the migration thereof to a tax software solution;
- the preparation of a detailed specifications for in-house tax software solutions;
- the preparation of correspondence with SARS regarding interpretation issues;
- the preparation of test packs for tax software solutions;
- providing an outsourced service for the calculations of tax figures on a periodic basis (as required);
- the monitoring of new legislation and the assessing of the impact thereof on tax solutions;
- presenting new legislation changes in a seminar to tax system users; and
- providing corporate action information for the proper classification and treatment of transactions.